American Whistleblower Lawyer Helps Overseas Individuals Receive Monetary Awards For Reporting Violations With the United States SEC CFTC By American Whistleblower Lawyer And USA Award Attorney Jason Coomer
American Whistleblower Lawyer, Jason Coomer, works with overseas whistleblowers from around the world. As a USA award attorney he also commonly works with other international whistleblower lawyers from throughout the world. Together they advocate and file confidential tips with agencies in the United States that offer large monetary awards to overseas whistleblowers. More specifically, the United States Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) offer these awards. The confidential tips or complaints target violations by large global corporations. The illegal conduct includes bribery schemes, market manipulation, FCPA violations, SEA violations, CEA violations, and other illegal schemes. These agency regulate financial markets and have broad jurisdiction over banks, oil companies, and other large corporations. These anonymous referrals must be based on original information. Further, to qualify for a monetary reward the tips need to be filed by an American whistleblower lawyer licensed in the United States. For more information please contact contact American Whistleblower Lawyer, Jason Coomer, for a confidential review. Also please feel free to use our submission form.

Below are some helpful FAQs from an American Whistleblower Lawyer regarding Anonymous Whistleblower Reward Tips:
Q1: How Do I Contact An American Whistleblower Lawyer to Confidentially Review and Anonymously Report Multinational Corporations for Illegal Conduct?A1: International Whistleblowers contact an American Whistleblower Lawyer through this secure website. Any communication through this website or the e-mail addresses listed will remain confidential. Once received an American Whistleblower Lawyer will contact you to obtain necessary information to review your potential case.
Q2: Is an American Whistleblower Lawyer necessary to file an anonymous tip and collect an award from the United States SEC or United States CFTC?A2: Yes, both the US SEC and US CFTC require anonymous whistleblowers to have a United States lawyer in order to file an anonymous tips and receive a reward. Thus, international whistleblowers, lawyers, solicitors, advokats, and attorneys must work with a lawyer licensed in the USA to file an anonymous whistleblower reward tip.
Q3: How much do the US SEC and US CFTC pay anonymous whistleblowers?A3: The United States Securities Exchange Commission has paid over $500 million in rewards to whistleblowers. The CFTC has paid over $100 million to whistleblowers. Further, these agencies have paid anonymous international whistleblowers over $30 million on one case. These rewards range from between 10% and 30% of any money recovered by the agencies from the whistleblower's information. Thus, whistleblowers can earn more than $50 million for anonymous tips that result in a large agency enforcement action.
Q4: Can Accountants, Compliance Officers, Financial Advisers, Lawyers, Employees, and Other Professionals Qualify as an Anonymous International Whistleblower?A4: Yes, in fact most of successful International Whistleblowers to date have been financial professionals; compliance and security professionals; auditors, lawyers, and accountants; or other employees/contractors. There are specificial rules that may apply to specific insiders including auditors, compliance officers, and lawyers, but all can anonymously expose significant illegal conduct and collect large financial rewards.
American Whistleblower Lawyer Helps Overseas Individuals Anonymously Report FCPA Violations, CEA Violations, SEA Violations, and other Illegal Conduct Committed by Multinational Corporations
American Whistleblower Lawyer represents a variety of overseas whistleblowers who want to report illegal conduct. More specifically, most of the anonymous whistleblowers are employees, former employees, or other insiders of large corporations. Many of these whistleblowers discover significant illegal conduct through their work and require help reporting the schemes. As an American whistleblower lawyer and USA award attorney, he can provide advice on whistleblower protections and awards that are available. Further, his team also provides reviews of complicated illegal schemes to determine if they may qualify for a USA award. Because the United States has many laws and regulates many global corporations as well as financial markets, it is important for whistleblowers to understand what laws may apply and how.
Whistleblower Protections Often Allow Employees and Former Employees to Use Confidential Information to Report Illegal Conduct
Every year overseas whistleblowers earn millions in USA awards by anonymously exposing corruption and other illegal conduct. These anonymous whistleblower award tips are first to file, so it is important not to delay when filing. Further, these whistleblower laws protect many actions associated with using confidential information to report illegal conduct. As such, whistleblowers often can use documents and other other confidential information to report illegal conduct. It is important to discuss whistleblower protections when contacting an American Whistleblower lawyer. The American whistleblower lawyer often can confidentially review any materials to determine what can and should be used to anonymously report illegal conduct. Further, a U.S. whistleblower lawyer can also review releases signed by former employees and find ways to allow these former employees to anonymously report illegal conduct.
American Whistleblower Lawyer Helps Anonymous Whistleblowers Understand Illegal Conduct Regulated by the United States
Most whistleblowers are not aware that the U.S. CFTC and U.S. SEC regulate numerous global corporations and several financial markets. These agencies also have broad jurisdiction to regulate violations that impact or effects the global financial markets as well as multinational corporations. They also exercise power over individuals who do business in the United States or are registered in the United States. As such, these agencies hold significant power to enforce fines and penalties against corporations and individuals who violate the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA), Securities Exchange Act (SEC), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and other laws.
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Applies to All Corporations That Are Publicly Traded in the United States
The U.S. FCPA regulates publicly traded multinational corporations that do business around the world. More specifically, any corporation registered in the United States including numerous foreign corporations must comply with the FCPA requirements. Further, these multinational corporations must provide accurate accountings to the SEC and their investors. In other words, these multinational corporations violated the FCPA when they commit illegal conduct and do not report it. The FCPA also specificall prohibits bribery of foreign officials. Thus, multinational corporations that bribe foreign officials violate the FCPA and potentially other international laws. Further, multinational corporations that violate other laws may be found to violate the FCPA requirement to maintain accurate books and records for investors. This illegal conduct can include money laundering schemes, market manipulation schemes, sanction violations, and fraud.
By Working with an American Whistleblower Lawyer Anonymous Overseas Whistleblowers Can Earn Large Monetary Awards Between 10% to 30% of Any Money Recovered by The CFTC or SEC Through a Confidential Tip and a USA Award Attorney
Whistleblowers with original and specialized knowledge of illegal conduct earn large monetary awards through anonymous CFTC and SEC reward tips. The tips must result in an agency enforcement action over $1 million. To remain anonymous you must file a tip through a USA Award Attorney. Additionally, whistleblowers are encouraged to report only large illegal schemes that profit multinational corporations tens of millions of dollars or more. Further, in situations where anonymous tips that result in enforcement actions of over hundred million dollars, anonymous whistleblowers can earn rewards of 10% to 30% of the funds recovered by the CFTC or SEC. In many situations these recoveries are extremely larger as enforcement actions typically included disgorged funds. Disgorged funds are the profits received from illegal conduct. If you are aware of a multinational corporation commiting illegal schems, please contact American Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer.
Through The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Other Related Laws The United States and Several Other Governments Enforce Anti-Bribery Laws
The United States government and other several other governments enforce anti-bribery laws. In fact, in December 2019 and January 2020 large multinational corporations paid over $5 billion in fines from bribe schemes. Of this amount collected by governments, over $3 billion was collected by the United States government. Similar enforcement actions based on anonymous tips would pay large financial rewards to qualifying whistleblowers. For more information on these rewards, please go to the following web page Expose Illegal Bribery Schemes.
FCPA Whistleblower Laws Apply to All Foreign and U.S. Companies Listed on the U.S. Securities Exchanges and Associated Subsidiaries, Joint Venture Partners, and Agents
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) applies to all publicly traded companies in the United States. More specifically, the FCPA refers to these companites as “issuers”. According to the FCPA all U.S. and foreign companies listed on U.S. securities exchanges and their employees are under the Act. Further, according to the Act “domestic concerns” run the gamut of business entities organized under U.S. laws including corporations and other business entities. Additionally, the FCPA also often applies to many companies whose principal place of business is in the United States. The Act also applies to officers, directors, employees, and agents of these U.S. business entities (irrespective of nationality). Further, the Act also applies to any U.S. citizens; U.S. resident aliens; “any person,” including all foreign persons, who commits an act in furtherance of a foreign bribe while in the United States, and U.S. businesses and nationals acting abroad. For this reason, all companies under this act must also require all of its affiliated companies and all of their employees to comply with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Multinational Corporations Who Violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Other US Laws Throughout the World Can Be Fined For Illegal Conduct
Multinational corporations commonly violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in emerging markets. These corporations also commonly violate the FCPA in countries with traditions of corruption. For this reason, anonymous whistleblowers are needed whereever corruption is the worst. This includes several emerging markets in South America, Africa, and Asia. Further, multinational corporations illegally competing for business in China, Brazil, Russia, and India need to be identified. Whistleblowers who are aware of illegal conduct hurting these countries or happening in these countries are encouraged to contact an American whistleblower lawyer to help stop the corruption.
Anonymous Tip Reward Laws Target Bribes Paid to Government Officials in Many Countries Including Russia, China, India, South America, Africa, Europe, and other Parts of Asia.
Multinational corporations commonly pay bribes to government officials in many countries. More specifically, many multinational corporations bribe officials in Russia, China, Mexico, Brazil, India, West, Middle East, and South America. This website provide information on all of these countries. Additionally, anonymous tips from individuals in any of these countries can be reported through a lawyer in the United States for a financial reward. International professionals and anyone in these countries with original knowledge of illegal bribes by multinational corporations are encouraged to have their information reviewed by an American Whistleblower lawyer.
Please keep in mind whistleblowers from around the world are needed to expose corruption. These whistleblowers help expose illegal conduct while being protected by a lawyer licensed in the United States. Through these anonymous tips the DOJ, SEC, and CFTC have collected billions of dollars from companies who paid illegal bribes. Further, the U.S. CFTC and U.S. SEC are both actively targeting bribes to Russian, Chinese, Mexican, Brazilian, and Indian government officials.
American Whistleblower Lawyer Helps Professionals Anonymously Report Illegal Bribes In Several Business Sectors Including Public Works, Telecommunications, Construction, Oil and Gas, Heavy Manufacturing, Mining, Pharmaceutical, and Health Care
American whistleblower lawyers help international whistleblowers expose illegal conduct in several business sectors. More specifically, many countries have government officials that regulate healthcare, construction, utilities, oil exploration, and other sectors. When these officials receive illegal bribes from multinational corporations, FCPA violations are typically committed and can be the basis for large financial rewards. The more corrupt business sectors include Public Works, Construction, Oil and Gas, Pharmaceuticals, and Health Care. Additionally, multinational corporations commonly pay bribes to secure public works contracts for telecommunications, roads, power plants, and hospitals. Any large government contract secured through a bribe can be the basis of a Foreign Corrupt Practice Act violation and an anonymous tip. Further, an anonymous whistleblower who properly exposes a contract bribe in any industry can receive a large reward.
American Whistleblower Lawyers Help Expose Corrupt Multinational Corporations
American whistleblower lawyer Jason Coomer helps whistleblowers report multinational corporations that pay illegal kickbacks and bribes to government officials. Through anonymous whistleblower tips, he helps international professionals earn large rewards and stop corruption. Further, he helps prevent corrupt multinational corporations from exploiting investors, consumers, and the financial markets. Through these efforts corrupt multinations corporations must explain their illegal actions and often must pay large fines to the SEC or CFTC. Further, by anonymously reporting this corruption his whistleblowers are protected from retaliation. For more information on anonymous whistleblower rewards in the USA, please go to the United States Securities Exchange Act (Anonymous SEC Whistleblower Reward Tips) and the United States Commodity Exchange Act (Anonymous CFTC Whisteblower Reward Tips).
American Whistleblower Lawyer Jason S. Coomer Is Licensed in the United States and Works With International Professionals and Other Lawyers from Around the World
As an American Whistleblower Lawyer, Jason S. Coomer, commonly works with anonymous whistleblowers from around the world. More specifically, he works with employees, former employees, and other insiders from multinational corporations. He also commonly works with other international lawyers from around the world to jointly represent whistleblowers. As a lawyer licensed in the United States, he helps these international legal teams anonymously report multinational corporations that violate the FCPA, SEA, CEA, and other laws.
If you are award of a multinational corporation violating the FCPA, SEA, or CEA, please contact American Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Coomer via e-mail message or use our submission form.